Are you planning to send a pitch to Fastaval? Here are a few good examples of pitch documents sent in to Fastaval in prior years.

Pitch eksempel: Die Royal af Mads Emil Christensen og Johannes Følsgaard

Pitch eksempel: Village Pride af Camille Boelt Hindsgaul

Pitch eksempel: Mole Racing af Jenny Holf & Tomas Falemo

Pitch example: DIESEL by Mads Fløe (danish text)

Pitch example: Divided Bodies by Bastian Borup (danish text)

Pitch example: Move it! by Sofie Liv Støvelbæk (danish text)

Pitch example: Project ARMADA by Mark Elsdon & Søren Brandborg (english text)

Pitch example: Tangle by Felix Falk (english text)