The Anarchont

Da den ældgamle profetiske tekst 'Domsigelsen' forsvinder, kastes samfundet og den nyvalgte Anarchont ud i en krise. En fortælling om et anarkistisk samfund, befolket af de udstødte, de afvigende og de gale, i en græsk-persisk inspireret verden.

The shamans call

On a perilous journey through the icy wastelands of Greenland in 1896, an expedition must fight both physical and supernatural threats to tame the forces of darkness in the human soul. Can they survive and keep their minds intact?

Under lock and key

Da søstrene Lizzie og Emma Bordens fremtid begynder at smuldre, må de vælge, hvorvidt de er villige til at gøre noget drastisk for endelig at vinde deres frihed. Et spillederløst scenarie med udgangspunkt i en historisk tragedie

The old man and the sea

For 84 days, the Old Man has caught nothing as he heads out in his dinghy. Out in the Gulf Stream, further out than ever before, he must fight the sea, the fish and himself. A scenario about stubbornness, dignity and respect for the enormity of nature.

Oath bound

Three knights help a new king rise to power in the midst of a bloody civil war, but can they each live with the regime that follows? A story about duty versus desire and the far-reaching consequences of one's actions.

Elvis did it!

A hotel manager is found murdered at a Las Vegas hotel and the prime suspects are three Elvis. Behind the croon, glitter and wigs, we meet three strange fates who, like Elvis himself, have been bruised by fame and showbiz.

Damned, forever

An old cold case turns into a crusade for four aging detectives in this dark, supernatural crime thriller set in Northern Jutland. How much are the detectives willing to sacrifice for a case that has already stolen so much of their lives?

Friends of the family – The chaos episode

Four actors with big personalities must work together under time pressure to make an episode of the sitcom they all star in. Will it be brilliant or will they end up creating some of the worst TV in history?

God's forgotten daughters

Sister Agnes lies dying. Sitting at her side is Benedicte and Maria, her closest sisters. From the deathbed, they reminisce about a long life in the convent, with closeness and tenderness in the midst of the lonely and taxing daily life.

What the lakes saw

Four young people witness the death of a woman, but no one else seems to have seen or known her. The city they thought they knew is slowly transformed into a surreal place and they are confronted with a Copenhagen that is no longer remembered.

Shadow of the empire

A bomb is detonated on the tourist planet Esho 3, but no one knows if this was the work of a rebel group or the Empire itself? A Star Wars scenario with social-realist aspects about the people working for the Empire and their conflicts and doubts.


En rejse ind i den kulturskabende og kontroversielle personlighed Kanye West. Fra gennembruddet med kæmpehittet “Jesus Walks" gennem de kaotiske begivenheder, der har formet hans liv og karriere frem til i dag.

Character building corporate speed dating

Bring your favorite role-playing character to an employee day with speed dating. Stand with characters from all universes in the fight against an unknown threat, where sword skills and magic are set aside and replaced by innovative approaches and data-driven work efforts.


A fishing family in Northern Jutland stands at a crossroads. They can either continue fishing as they have done for generations or pursue their dreams as their hometown and livelihood slowly erodes to the changing times.

Little K, big K

Sofie lives an ordinary life in modern-day Denmark. She loves her partner, her children, her other partner and her friends. Love has many faces and Sofie desperately wants to connect with those she loves, even if it is sometimes difficult and destructive.


A group of siblings in 1940’s Denmark battles a tragedy as they move into the center of a time-loop mindfuck mystery. A tale of family love and relations.

Life witnesses

Fire veninder i 40'erne er vokset op som omsorgssvigtede, hårde vestegnspiger. Som voksne har de fundet en rolle i livet, men ikke dem selv. Scenariet handler om venskab, opgør med fortiden og valget om, hvilken retning de vil tage deres liv."

Do dogs go to heaven?

Kæledyr. Vi er hele deres liv - de er kun en del af vores. Men når de forlader os, efterlader de et poteformet hul i vores hjerter. En fortælling om den særegne kærlighed og forholdet mellem et dyr og dets ejer.

Marvel vs DC

Somewhere in the multiverse, The Scarlet Witch meets a mysterious man named “Lex Luthor” who proposes a terrible collaboration. Play the classic comic book superheroes (or villains) yourself in this ensemble scenario where the fate of the universe is once again at stake.

The curse of memories

A year after the tragic death of their friend, four friends each receive a mysterious invitation to vacation at the remote and isolated Rusty Lake Hotel. Here the characters are drawn into a nightmarish web of mystery, manipulation and supernatural forces.

The rat race II: The bridge over the river Reik

Embark on a chaotic and light-hearted journey up an iconic Warhammer river, where a handful of incompetent scavens and hangarounds must try to hold together a ramshackled submarine while navigating their own evil intentions and plans.

Songs for soldiers

A group of young soldiers go to war to fight for what they believe in. They each carry a song with them for hope and support. But war is hell, so how long can the power of song sustain their belief in peace and beauty?

The shadow over Korsbæk

When the traveler Mads Skjern arrives in the sleepy town Korsbæk, he brings with him an archaic evil causing all the scandals, deaths, and strange happenings we know from Matador. A scenario where Danish TV history meets H.P. Lovecraft.


Five British teenage girls conquer the world for a while in the 1990s when they become known as the Spice Girls. A story of GIRLPOWER, loyalty, friendship, sexism and daring to take a chance that follows the girls from audition to break-up and lastly reunion.

Troll eyes

To save their society from extinction, a handful of Stone Age people travel through the passage grave to their ancestral realm in search of answers. A scenario about genocide, dehumanization, inherited guilt and imperfect victims.

To the end of Jormungand

An epic and bleak tale of hope, honor and colonization of Vinland inspired by Icelandic sagas. How much are the Norse willing to sacrifice to preserve their honor and survive when conflicts both with the natives and within their own ranks come to a head?

The Rest of us Just Live Here

A doomsday dramedy about the teenagers who are NOT The Chosen One in a world where a new apocalypse is always on coming. What if you just want to survive until graduation and maybe find the courage to admit your feelings to your crush?

We need to talk about Chris

An erotic horror scenario about a group of friends who meet at the cabin by the lake where Chris disappeared. But the cabin is not what it used to be and it is as if Chris can be felt inside its walls.