by Niklas Gestrin & Markus Tångring.

A Draw, Cut, Glue, Tile Laying Co-op Game about landscaping Marie Antoinette's new valley.


  • Time: 60 min
  • Players: 1 – 6
  • Language: English rules, but no text in the game.

You play together, if you play it as a co-op game, to build the valley according to Maries wishes. She expresses her wishes with cards that you draw . Draw terrain cards and object cards. This shows what Queen Marie wants and how you get points. Then you use your scissors to cut the best scoring piece from your personal map. Then all the players score together. Now it's time to glue a piece in the valley, together you choose the best-fitting piece and glue it in the valley. You do this for eight turns and then it’s time for endscoring.

Landscaper builds on the flip-and-write mechanic, but here you have two maps, one individual which you cut into pieces with your scissors, and one common that you glue the pieces onto. The rules are simple but there are really a lot of tactical decisions to master the game. You can play it solo, PvP, and as a team. The turns are always simultaneous so there is a minimum of downtime.

When you play the game you’ll have full focus on the game; finding the perfect piece, the cutting, the long-time strategy, and the discussion of how to cut and which piece to use for creating the best valley for the queen. The time will fly by. It is a very special feeling when you hold a pair of scissors in your hand and actually cut something into pieces and create something new. It is also very satisfying to glue pieces to the new valley and see how it grows and develops. We hope you want to meet us and play Landscaper.

About the designers

Markus Tångring and Niklas Gestrin are longtime friends and have been playing board games for most of our lives. We have been designing games together for some time. The games we design are mostly easy to play and often have simultaneous rounds. We have been lucky and have gotten two of our games published, DUOS and Blixtsnabb!